Guests Smoking...Boot Them?

Ok now I see where you are coming from. You are against my personal opinion, which I do not publish in my listing. So you condemn me for not being in agreement with you.

No, I don’t. I condemn you for criticizing people who don’t want smokers in or at their listing and being a liar. You’ve compared those who don’t allow smoking to Hitler (!!) and claimed we “incarcerate” people if we don’t allow smoking. (I don’t expect you remember any of that but it is possible to view all of a person’s posts with a few clicks.) In addition it appears that you are lying when you claim you welcome smokers but your listing says no smoking. If you and your husband want to “defend tobaccoholics” go ahead but do not address me again with your ridiculous statements saying I “should consider working with people with addictions instead of condemning them,” or asking if I “throw your son out of the house if he was hocked on drugs?” Smoking is a nasty habit and I will not allow smoking in my rental. As previously stated I’d ban smokers altogether except that is uneforcebable.


My guests are always right. My aim is to accept them as they are. I promote my guests be open about their needs. If smoking is one of them, I prefer to it work with them and find a comfortable place where they can feel free to smoke without smelling up the apartment as you say. I find that by being open, guests do not go behind my back and smoke in the bathroom with the extractor on, for example.
Smoking is an addiction like drugs and alcohol. It starts on a two way street between the seller and the buyer. Both are at fault but if the buyer becomes addicted, he has two choices: to feed his addition with more smoking in view of the horrible consequences or to really suffer just as much while trying to give up the addition.
We cannot preach to individuals with additions. The only way to quit is to be true to oneself. Patches, drugs, hypnosis, shrinks and your condemnation do not cure addictions. Only the addict can change his ways.
I am not two faced saying I comply to Airbnb rules prohibiting smoking while at the same time I try to find ways to cater to my guests’ needs which may include smoking addiction. It is a reality. There are guests out there who do smoke and need to smoke. Condemning them gets us nowhere. They are still going to do it because they have to do it!

Ok, good luck with that. You have an interesting approach and if it works for you, fine. I am not going to be an enabler in my home with their addiction. They can choose a different host, a kind and open minded one like you.


I don’t especially want to get into this debate but I want to mention that a) I am an ‘addict’ (I smoke) and b) I absolutely forbid smoking in the rental. If guests want to smoke, they can do so outside, away from any doors or open windows, as I do. This has got nothing to do with the rights and wrongs of the ‘addiction’ but simple business sense.


jaque, you know where I am coming from. Todays’ smokers sense where they can smoke. What I am saying is lets talk it out with our guest should he be a smoker so everybody is happy and not give the smoker pneumonia by sending him out the backdoors with 6’ of snow!
K9Karma does not seem to understand that he does not enable an addition that is already established.
I discouraged addiction with my children asking them to study the consequences of tobacco before smoking. One never smoked. The other took it up and quit cold turkey twice. I quit. It was very dramatic and to this day miss a cigarette in times of crises. My husband did not quit. He died of lung cancer.
We have been through many routes and I think we understand that getting rid of an addiction does not come from damning the addicted.

So you are saying you allow smokers in your home? Where that nasty filmy residue builds up all over. On walls, carpets, linens, furniture. And is nearly impossible to get out. It has nothing to do with enabling addiction or discriminating against the addicted. It has everything to do with driving off potential guests and ruining your apartment. I don’t get it.


I allow my guests to smoke in the 53 hectare public park next to my house. So you condemn me for that. Please come to my house to test if one guest per year who smokes and does so in the park impregnates my walls, carpets, linens and furniture. I truly challenge you. I will let you sleep in my house one night for free if you are willing to take the 13 hour airline trip from your house to mine and back again.

By the way, the government of my country permits smoking in the park next to my house. So if you want to prohibit that you would have to speak to government officials, not me.

Lord hunt, calm down. This isn’t what your listing said. It said you gladly accepted smokers. I take that to mean you allow them inside your home. The park doesn’t matter. I tell smokers they can walk up to the street if they must, just so the smoking is not on the property.

People who smoke have desensitized senses and can’t really smell the residue, but believe me those of us who don’t can smell even the faintest residue. So I would take up your challenge except that you sound so angry. :smile: Also… 13 hours from Hawaii? Maybe on the Concorde. :smile: it’s 5.5 to the mainland and then another 11 to London.

And actually smoking may be banned at the public park. It is in a lot of places.

Calm down and have a cuppa tea. :smile:


This pro-smoker campaign has been going on awhile. Unfortunately she can’t remember what she has said from one hour to the next. @konacoconutz her listing doesn’t say she accepts smokers, it says “no smoking.” Her posts have claimed she accepts smokers but that doesn’t appear to be true.

I see… so it’s a mass of confusion. :smile:


It’s also a bit confusing that she says ‘my husband and I defend’ and then says that he died?

Just looking for clarification here…


I would say anymore energy put into this is wasted. Let’s move on to more productive conversations. :smile:


Sometimes it takes a few exchanges before you realize…


Some people remarry.

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Could someone please tell me where I publish my opinion about smoking in my listing, except for the fact that it is checked as not allowed?

I’m actually looking for advice on s guy with dreadful BO. But all I can find is the smoking threads. This guest is a pleasant single man. Here starting a new job in a new country and a bit nervous and he smells bad. Full on pheromone nervous sweat plus it’s warm today sweat. He showers sometimes. I’ve sprayed fabreze all over the room, changing bedding but all his clothes and belongings which are strewn around and waiting till he can go into his new place - they are all infused with the smell. A friend suggested offering to do his washing but I don’t have a dryer so there’s far too much and I don’t think one wash will really do much.
I’ve blocked off the room on my calendar to give me time before any other guests and probably buy new wquilts. but does anyone have any good ways of saying- hey mate you smell bad?

There was a thread where it came up. Particularly if one eats a lot of curry it apparently comes out the pores the way garlic or booze will. I don’t like febreeze at all but it sounds like you are desperate. I’d soak everything in OxyClean before washing or buying new stuff.

I’m not sure how to approach the situation of telling him.

Another lifetime ago, I experienced a similar situation. I wasn’t the sweat-ee, my boss was. Whenever he would call me into his office to take dictation it was all I could do not to gag from his B-O. He smelled like the guys wearing tank tops holding on to the overhead straps on the bus…who always managed to stand next to me.

(Sorry, I had to take a brief break to recover from the memory.)

I asked/begged his partner/best friend in the office if he would please speak to my boss about using deodorant but he said he couldn’t so I figured it was up to me or quit my job.

One day I got up enough courage and said, "Peter, some of the secretaries in the office have been complaining that you are exuding a strong body odor and it may be that you need a stronger deodorant. (I wasn’t going to say I was the complainant!) He replied that he doesn’t wear deodorant because he was allergic to it. I said that maybe he could look into the hypoallergenic type, and he said he will check with his doctor and see if there was something he could recommend.

End of the story is that he began using an over-the-counter crystal rock thing which was touted as nature’s scentless anti-bacterial antiperspirant. It cured the odor problem. I worked for him for 10 years until he left the firm.

I guess you have to get up enough courage to let your guest know that he is leaving a strong body odor throughout the house and on furniture fabric and he has to use a stronger deodorant and to shower more frequently.

I’ll tell him.