Adventures in babysitting (I mean hosting)

Oh dear… I am really sorry you got smacked…one thing that jumps to mind is if he hated it so much the first time, why did he carry on with the second booking? There were a few compliments there… but one thing I do wonder about is he mentioned the terrace. COULD you indeed put out a small table with umbrella to make it more appealing? I know we have discussed that terrace before. Sounds like he wasn’t going with the flow at all in India. He needs to read some E.M. Forster. :smile: Some of what he’s complaining about are just INDIA… Bombay… it is what it is? Even Taj Mahal probably has some maintenance issues due to climate, humidity , etc.

You will survive. You’ve got plenty of good reviews. Your review of him will ensure that NO ONE will ever rent to him again.

Hugs from across the world. Don’t let this get to you Faheem… We’ve all been there. He’s a jerk and a lout to write this.

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here is the translation:

bad experience. We made two consecutive stays of seven days. As the days, defects of this house, yet has real advantages, have become burdensome. Placed in the heart of Bombay and a competitive price, this guesthouse is appealing. This location has yet reverse: about twenty meters of railway lines from Churchgate and with a train every 3 or 4 minutes 6 to 23 pm, the place is quite noisy. If the room is clean and has the minimum necessary equipment (no small fridge for example and noted that TV serves only play DVDs but receives no chain, not connected which makes the evenings and rainy days a little long), the living room and the kitchen are not really engaging: walls eaten away moisture, dust that accumulates on the pile of books, newspapers and various objects (pay attention to the photos posted) which gives these two rooms smell the least typical. To go from the bedroom to the bathroom remote than ten meters, you must go through the living room, so make sure not to forget to take your forex because no question of going back or “in undress”. Also, be careful not to slip on a floor mosaic in the rain. The terrace could also be “more” but nothing is set to enjoy (no chairs, armchairs and table see photos). In short, this house has potential but remains frozen in its own juice for many years now … shame. In line with its house, the owner is also becalmed in a litigious routine that eventually became unbearable. Very accessible to applications that you can do, respect the regulations and official administrative procedures are the alpha and omega of Faheem. Thus, reservation made, it sends you his seven-page guide (he gives you on arrival in case) with internal regulations which occupies three … meditating. To facilitate entry procedures in places, it also sends the PDF Form C requested by the Indian administration. Incidentally, in thirty days of travel and four stays in private, it is the only owner who asked me to fill it. If you are unable to send this document (including JPEG picture under 50kb!) You’re in for a long ordeal which, as fussy as the Indian administration, all boxes must be completed (how is it my wife has no tph number of their own, how is it that we have the same email, well remember the hotel address or where you come if particular problem). Exasperating. According to what is explained in the guide, breakfast is served until 10 30, no exceptions.

I agree. Don’t respond… Although anyone who has studied a latin language can read the first two words… and may be curious. Also, the Air site has a feature that allows you to show the translated version. Here’s the version I got.

bad experience. We made two consecutive stays of seven days. As the days, defects of this house, yet has real advantages, have become burdensome. Placed in the heart of Bombay and a competitive price, this guesthouse is appealing. This location has yet reverse: about twenty meters of railway lines from Churchgate and with a train every 3 or 4 minutes 6 to 23 pm, the place is quite noisy. If the room is clean and has the minimum necessary equipment (no small fridge for example and noted that TV serves only play DVDs but receives no chain, not connected which makes the evenings and rainy days a little long), the living room and the kitchen are not really engaging: walls eaten away moisture, dust that accumulates on the pile of books, newspapers and various objects (pay attention to the photos posted) which gives these two rooms smell the least typical. To go from the bedroom to the bathroom remote than ten meters, you must go through the living room, so make sure not to forget to take your forex because no question of going back or “in undress”. Also, be careful not to slip on a floor mosaic in the rain. The terrace could also be “more” but nothing is set to enjoy (no chairs, armchairs and table see photos). In short, this house has potential but remains frozen in its own juice for many years now … shame. In line with its house, the owner is also becalmed in a litigious routine that eventually became unbearable. Very accessible to applications that you can do, respect the regulations and official administrative procedures are the alpha and omega of Faheem. Thus, reservation made, it sends you his seven-page guide (he gives you on arrival in case) with internal regulations which occupies three … meditating. To facilitate entry procedures in places, it also sends the PDF Form C requested by the Indian administration. Incidentally, in thirty days of travel and four stays in private, it is the only owner who asked me to fill it. If you are unable to send this document (including JPEG picture under 50kb!) You’re in for a long ordeal which, as fussy as the Indian administration, all boxes must be completed (how is it my wife has no tph number of their own, how is it that we have the same email, well remember the hotel address or where you come if particular problem). Exasperating. According to what is explained in the guide, breakfast is served until 10 30, no exceptions …

Hi @konacoconutz,

Do you speak (or, at any rate, read French?)

It’s not a big deal. It’s actually quite obliging of him to write it in French. I suspect, as I said above, this will cut down the audience dramatically.

Ah. Well, in fairness, the two booking were only 4 days apart. So even with the moderate cancellation policy he had, it would have been tricky. And he didn’t seem unhappy the first time he left.

It’s probably worth noting, that though our building (and family) has its problems (long and horrible story which I’m not going to tell in public), it’s actually in quite good shape compared to much of Bombay. Where building fall down daily (not kidding) because they are in such bad shape.

That’s definitely something that’s planned. But nothing in India happens fast. If you try to push things, you’ll just get an aneurysm for your troubles. And I’m pretty much alone here (tedious details elided). We’re actually considering an awning instead of an umbrella. One of the things that makes India so much fun it that you can’t return anything. So you have to be very careful buying stuff.

Thanks for the good wishes and support. @konacoconutz.

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Hi @Rolf,

Thanks. But isn’t that the Google Translate version? It’s somewhat lacking as English prose, at any rate. (Apologies if you wrote it yourself.)

Hi @konacoconutz,

Ah, yes. I forgot about that. So maybe people will read it. Shrug. In that case I wonder if I should add a small comment saying something like:

If reader are curious about the background of this review, please read the review I wrote Francois

Or not?

PS: Funny thing, Mr. Unstable actually complimented my guide when I sent it to him. He said:

thanks you faheem. Your document clearly reflects your scientific way of thinking. Clever, clear, everything useful is addressed.

As I told you in a previous mail; I properly got your guide, very clear, useful and relevant

It seems he later changed his mind.

Yes, i thought it would be helpful to show that.

I think in many ways the review is favorable to you… He mentions that you comply with the law and that HIS problem is lack of correct id, for instance. And mentions humorously that breakfast stops at the time you told him lol.


Hi @Rolf,

I’m not sure how seriously hosts will take my review. It’s difficult to convey the flavor of an experience in 500 words. But the part about threatening to leave a bad review. Well, that a host would take seriously. And they can (relatively) easily check what he wrote about me.

I don’t know much about French people or French culture. There are so many different kinds of people on this planet, and everybody has their own buttons. But is the thinking in this review symptomatic of anything in particular? And I’m puzzled a French military officer is so allergic to rules and regulations. Isn’t that what the military runs on? And it’s funny that I should come across looking like the bureaucratic one here. Nobody hates regulations more than me.

(BTW, this thread just crossed 200 posts. Yay.)

I recently saw your listing and you already had a bunch of 5 star reviews. So this one should be buried soon enough.

I think someone mentioned that even if you reply with a short sentence, all of a sudden the entire review is prominently displayed?? Anyone know?? IF that is the case then I would skip the part to click on his profile to see your review of him. But if it doesn’t make a difference, then sure you could say to click on his profile to read about how this guest threatened to leave you a negative review.

I bet Francois is losing his mind right about now (reading your review of him). I wonder if he will call Airbnb and start crying to have it removed.

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Ok, here’s an odd thing. His review is out of order. It’s at the beginning. It’s now my first review; before my first real review. Can anyone else confirm this? Another Airbnb bug?

However, my review of Francois is clearly visible at the top.

Yes, it’s the FIRST review! I went looking for Francois’ review and was going to ask you if you already got Air to delete it! Weird.

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Hi @cabinhost,

Actually, as I just wrote, it is right at the beginning for some reason. If someone could confirm this, that would be great.

Yes, I’m really not sure what to do about that. Maybe I’ll wait a bit to see if Airbnb corrects their latest bug. They really should start a bug collection. Maybe lay them out, with pins through their thoraxes.

Actually, reading it, I don’t think it is that bad. Most of it are rather petty issues. He didn’t actually cause any damage or hurt anyone. Having said that, if I read a review like that about any potential guest, I definitely would not be renting to him or her. Who needs the aggravation? And there will be other guests.

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Thanks for the confirmation, @sandy2. Glad it’s not just me. I wonder if I should tell Airbnb. This is probably not the only review affected.

Faheem, don’t respond! It’s in French and I would just let it roll. Don’t say “Read my review of him,” that is just childish. Even one word will expand the whole thing and it will look like a big sore red thumb.

It’s a tricky slope to respond. You don’t want to sound defensive and it takes everything to remain gracious while defending yourself.

I was surfing local listings and I came across this. Look how the host starts out “giggling” but then the more he types the angrier he gets. I WOULD NOT STAY with an angry host!

If he had not responded, no one would have noticed the comment about the bugs. Or he could have just said. Palmetto bugs aren’t roaches and despite our best effort they sometimes fly in if doors aren’t closed quickly. Or I would have just said nothing. Now, he’s come off as an angry host who made way too big a deal over this.

And it’s ALL expanded!

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Ok. I won’t. :slight_smile: And that host looks like he typed the whole thing direct into the box. Bad move.

Still wondering why that review is at the beginning, though. And still wondering if I should report it… Maybe they’ll figure it out and fix it.

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And he stupidly did more to turn off people from his listing with that rant than a few palmetto bugs did. :smile:
I actually think these are renters. I hope they get busted soon!

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I think it takes a while for their system to reorder things.

I’ve not noticed that phenomenon before. Has anyone else?

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yup… I have especially noticed it when it doesn’t work in my favour! :smile:

Oh, and here are this lovely man’s stars corresponding to the review above:

ACCURACY : 5 stars
VALUE : 3 stars
ARRIVAL : 2 stars
LOCATION: : 3 stars
EXPERIENCE : 2 stars

I’m puzzled by that lone 5 star. Perhaps he clicked on the wrong place.